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What does the require function do in Node.js?

The other day I wrote an intro to “JavaScript modules”. But technically, I only wrote an intro to ECMAScript modules, one of the two major module systems in JavaScript. The other is the “CommonJS” module system, which is mainly used in Node.js, and is identified by calls to a require function. Here’s a brief intro to that system.

Here’s an example CommonJS module, which you could use in Node.js:

let x = 5;
exports.x = x;
exports.increment = function() {

Then to use it:

> require('myModule.js')
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'myModule.js'

Whoops, Node.js can’t even find our module. This very unhelpful error message is because, to load a file with a relative path, we have to use an explicit ./ prefix:

> const m = require('./myModule.js')
> m.x
> m.increment()
> m.x

A CommonJS module exports things by adding properties to an exports object. Our module exports an x and an increment. But if you’ve used ECMAScript modules, this module might not work as you expected: m.x does not get incremented after calling m.increment()!

The original variable x does get incremented, but m.x is not a reference to that variable. The line exports.x = x copies the value of x, rather than making a reference to it. This is different to the “live binding” semantics of ECMAScript modules. To make this work as expected, we can export a getter function:

exports.x = () => x;

As you can see, CommonJS modules can have internal state. requireing a module multiple times will only execute the module script once, and return the same exports object from every require call. Thus, the module’s state can be shared. For example:

const m1 = require('./myModule.js');
const m2 = require('./myModule.js');
console.log(m1.x());  // logs 5
console.log(m1.x());  // logs 6

So this is how you load a local module you’ve written. But what about external “packages”? Every Node.js developer has written const express = require('express'), but what does this do? The full search algorithm is a bit horrifying. But in a standard setup, this loads the JavaScript file at ./node_modules/express/index.js. You can equivalently write const express = require('./node_modules/express/index.js'). You can also use require.resolve to debug it:

> require.resolve('express')

According to the algorithm, before finding ./node_modules/express/index.js, it tried looking for express in the core Node.js modules. This didn’t exist, so it looked in node_modules, and found a directory called express. (If there was a ./node_modules/express.js, it would load that directly.) It then loaded ./node_modules/express/package.json, and looked for an exports field, but this didn’t exist. It also looked for a main field, but this didn’t exist either. It then fell back to index.js, which it found.

It’s a bit deceptive that Node.js looks in package.json files. It gives the impression that Node.js knows about packages, but actually Node.js (should) really only know about modules. NPM, a package manager, only really knows about packages. Some things like express are both Node.js modules and NPM packages. Other things are Node.js modules, but not NPM packages (like a local file ./myModule.js); Yet other things are NPM packages, but not Node.js modules (like this Python package on NPM).

When a module has its own dependencies, how do these get resolved? The express module has a call to require('body-parser'). You might think that it has its own node_modules, like ./node_modules/express/node_modules/body-parser/index.js. If this was present, it would load! However, this is unconventional; typically all recursive subdependencies are flattened into one big node_modules directory. To make this work, require() looks for node_modules in all of the parent directories of the caller.

Tagged #programming, #javascript.

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