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Rounding up to the next power of two in C

I was writing a memory allocator in C. My approach was to pad each allocation to a power of two number of bytes so that the allocations could be cleanly packed together. For example, if the program does malloc(49), requesting a 49-byte memory allocation, we round this up to 64 bytes. For this, I wanted a function next_pow2 so that next_pow2(49) = 64, next_pow2(64) = 64, next_pow2(65) = 128, et cetera.

How do we implement next_pow2? A natural implementation is to check all the powers of two, stopping at the first one which is big enough:

uint64_t next_pow2(uint64_t x) {
  uint64_t p = 1;
  while (p < x) p *= 2;
  return p;

The above algorithm uses ordinary arithmetic. We can do better if we work with the binary representation of numbers in C. In binary representation, adding a 0 doubles the number, just as adding a 0 in decimal multiplies by ten. So p * 2 can be done as p << 1, using the bitwise left shift operator << to shifts the number up by one and add a rightmost 0:

uint64_t next_pow2(uint64_t x) {
  uint64_t p = 1;
  while (p < x) p <<= 1;
  return p;

For a 64-bit number, the while loop can still take up to 64 iterations. The number of operations is linear in the number of bits. We can do better and make this a logarithmic number of operations. One logarithmic-time algorithm is to use binary search instead of linear search:

uint64_t pow2(uint8_t e) { return ((uint64_t)1) << e; }

uint64_t next_pow2(uint64_t x) {
  uint8_t lo = 0, hi = 63;
  while (lo < hi) {
    uint8_t test = (lo+hi)/2;
    if (x < pow2(test)) { hi = test; }
    else if (pow2(test) < x) { lo = test+1; }
    else { return pow2(test); }
  return pow2(lo);

The above logarithmic-time approach has a lot of branching. There is another logarithmic-time algorithm which uses no branching, which I originally found here. It relies on a function next_pow2m1, which finds the next number of the form 2^n - 1:

uint64_t next_pow2(uint64_t x) {
	return next_pow2m1(x-1)+1;

To implement next_pow2m1, let’s see an example: next_pow2m1(0b00010100) = 0b00011111. Notice that in binary representation, this is equivalent to “fill with 1s everything after the first 1”. We can do that with iterated bitwise or:

uint64_t next_pow2m1(uint64_t x) {
	for (int i = 0; i < 63; i++) x |= x>>1;
  return x;

We can make this branchless by expanding the loop:

uint64_t next_pow2m1(uint64_t x) {
  x |= x>>1;    // Iteration 1
  x |= x>>1;    // Iteration 2
  x |= x>>1;    // Iteration 63
  return x;

Here’s what happens in each iteration:

x = 0010000000000000
x = 0011000000000000
x = 0011100000000000
x = 0011110000000000
x = 0011111000000000
x = 0011111100000000
x = 0011111110000000
x = 0011111111000000
x = 0011111111100000
x = 0011111111110000
x = 0011111111111000
x = 0011111111111100
x = 0011111111111110
x = 0011111111111111

This is still linear-time. But we can do this faster by reusing the 1 bits from previous iterations!:

uint64_t next_pow2m1(uint64_t x) {
  x |= x>>1;
	x |= x>>2;
	x |= x>>4;
	x |= x>>8;
	x |= x>>16;
	x |= x>>32;
  return x;

Now see how the rightmost bit doubles in size each time:

x = 0010000000000000
x = 0011000000000000
x = 0011110000000000
x = 0011111111000000
x = 0011111111111111

This is the most efficient “portable C” implementation of next_pow2 I’ve seen. However, there’s a still more efficient constant-time implementation. The above algorithm effectively finds the rightmost 1 bit, but there’s a constant-time function for that: __builtin_clzl, “count leading zeros”. This is provided by GCC (not portable C). It does have a gotcha: __builtin_clzl(0) is undefined, so we need to special-case for it. Here’s our final constant-time implementation of next_pow2:

uint64_t next_pow2(uint64_t x) {
	return x == 1 ? 1 : 1<<(64-__builtin_clzl(x-1));

But how is __builtin_clzl implemented? We can see by compiling to assembly:

$ cc -O0 -std=c99 -S next_pow2.c

We get these instructions:

movq	$42, -8(%rbp)
bsrq	-8(%rbp), %rax

The bsrq instruction is “Bit Scan Reverse”. As usual, there is literally no official documentation on this instruction.

Tagged #programming, #c.

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