Learn more about Israeli genocide in Gaza, funded by the USA, Germany, the UK and others.

Diary writing prompts

I began this year writing a diary entry every day. My diary writing has dropped off recently. One reason is that my entries were excessively mundane; I would usually concentrate on the day’s activities to the detriment of larger topics.

One way to reinvigorate my diary writing might be to have a prompt for each entry. I’ve added this feature, which looks like this:

$ diary prompt
Prompt: Describe someone you know.
Start writing. EOF (Ctrl-D) finishes the entry.

The prompt is taken randomly from a prompts file, which looks like this:

Recall an old memory.
Describe someone you know.
Recall something someone said recently.

I want a much larger repertoire of prompts than the three above. I’ll experiment with different prompts to see which are effective, i.e. which ones lead to interesting writing.

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