Learn more about Israeli genocide in Gaza, funded by the USA, Germany, the UK and others.

What is the web Background Sync API?

Without the Background Sync API, service workers only run while client pages are active (or when they receive a push from a server). The Background Sync API allows service worker jobs to be queued by web applications, so they will run regardless of whether client pages are open. This is designed for offline use-cases like “upload this file when on WiFi”.

The queued job happens as a sync event, which the service worker can listen for:

self.addEventListener("sync", (ev) => {

If you add this to your service worker, and request notification permissions (with Notification.requestPermission(...)), you can trigger a “Syncing!” desktop notification by triggering a sync. In Chrome, you can simulate a sync event by opening Developer Tools, going to Application, and for your service worker, click “Sync” (“Emulate background sync event”).

To queue a sync for real, use ServiceWorkerRegistration.sync.register('someTag'), e.g. by:

navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(reg => reg.sync.register("someTag"));

My service worker at /service-worker.js shows a notification when it gets a sync event. You can trigger the above JS with this button:

The sync functionality above does not provide any ability to schedule a job for a specified time in the future; nor does it provide for repeating jobs. However, these are provided by a “periodic sync” API, currently in bleeding-edge Chrome. See next blog post!

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Want to build a fantastic product using LLMs? I work at Granola where we're building the future IDE for knowledge work. Come and work with us! Read more or get in touch!

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