Learn more about Israeli genocide in Gaza, funded by the USA, Germany, the UK and others.

Array vs. dictionary pagination

You operate an HTTP API with a resource called /words. It returns a list of words and their definitions, in alphabetical order. For example:

  { "word": "aardvark", "definition": "a species of burrowing mammal native to Africa"},
  { "word": "zymurgy", "definition": "The branch of chemistry dealing with fermentation"}

Unfortunately this list is very big, so returning the entire list is expensive for everyone involved. To fix this, you decide to paginate the API: a single HTTP response may only return some of the results. When the client makes an HTTP request, the client must provide some “page” identifier, which the server will use to determine which items to serve this time around.

There are two fundamental ways to identify the page: array indexing and dictionary indexing. Considering your word list as an array, each word has a unique numeric index. Considering your word list as a dictionary, each word has a unique string identifier. If your API returns just one word per response. you could use the word’s array index, e.g. GET /words?word_pos=73462, or you could use the word’s dictionary index, e.g. GET /words?word=zygote.

Both approaches generalize to multi-item responses. Open a physical dictionary on a random page. There are two ways to identify that page. You can use the page number, such as “page 547”. Or you can use the first item on the page, such as “the page beginning with ‘zygote’”. Your API could use the page’s array index, e.g. GET /words?page_number=547, or your API could use the page’s dictionary index, e.g. GET /words?first_word=zygote.

There are many ways to determine a page using array indexing, e.g. GET /words?first_word_pos=73462&num_words=500. There are also many ways to determine a page using dictionary indexing, e.g. GET /words?last_word_seen=zygote&stop_at_word=zygomatic. The decisions here are not important compared to the decision between array vs. dictionary indexing.

Which is better, array or dictionary indexing? It depends! Here are some tradeoffs:

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